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On the right side of the river - a livelihood perspective on the transition between teenage years and adulthood
About the project
There is strong research evidence that the likelihood of success in education and occupation depends on social origin, parents, school and education. Simultaneously, segregation and the differences in living conditions and welfare between different residential areas have become more pronounced in recent years. Based on this societal background, and questions raised in previous research, this project aims at describing the livelihood situation for young people in a progressive perspective, and analyze how this varies with both the place where the young person grew up as with the parent's characteristics.
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Björn Gustafsson
Residential segregation, Child poverty, Immigrants
Start date:
End date:
Project participants
Katarina KatzKarlstads universitet
Björn GustafssonInstitutionen för socialt arbete
Torun OsterbergInstitutionen för socialt arbete
Project publications
Österberg, T. (2013) "The increasing importance of place: neighbourhood differences in metropolitan Sweden, 1990-2006" China Journal of Social Work, 6, 18 – 30
Gustafsson, B. ; Österberg, T. ; Katz, K. (2013). "Boendesegregation, bakgrund och barnfattigdom" i "Barnfattigdom". Red Daniel Rauhut. s. 163-192. Lund : Studentlitteratur
Gustafsson, B. ; Österberg, T. (2011). "Barnfattigdom i storstäderna" Socionomens Forskningssupplement . Nr 30 (6) s. 18 - 30