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Diasporas and Transitional Justice
About the project
Seeking Justice from Afar: Diasporas and Transitional Justice This project analyses how diasporas engage with, shape and respond to transitional justices processes. Although the ways in which migrants influence homeland conflicts have been relatively well investigated, the increasingly important role of diasporas in transitional justice has so far not been systematically studied, nor has the importance of transitional justice initiatives in shaping diaspora organization and identity. The project focuses on two cases – Rwanda and Sri Lanka – where the pursuit of justice after the genocide and the civil war respectively involve conflicting interests and the mobilization and involvement of diaspora groups. Its main contributions will be to advance the theoretical discussion of transitional justice and globalization by discussing the implications of the deterritorialization that takes place when transitional justice is pursued by diaspora groups. The project will also provide insights into how transitional justice becomes intertwined with diasporic processes of memory, history making and identity formation across generations.
Project link
Camilla Orjuela
diaspora, justice, sri lanka, rwanda
Start date:
End date:
Project participants
Camilla OrjuelaSchool of Global Studies
Project publications
Mobilising diasporas for justice. Opportunity structures and the presencing of a violent past